Sunday, September 16, 2012

Devotional 9-16-12

You are my child

When you were a child,
I loved you.
I called you to join me
Even before you could hear me
Even before you knew I existed.
I called you
I loved you.

The more I called,
The more you were deaf to me
The farther you moved away from me.
You revered that which did not love you.
You sought after those gods that would bring you pain.

I taught you how to walk,
I taught you how to love each other,
I held you when you were broken,
I healed your pain.

I led you with ties of kindness.
Out of love for you
I lifted your burdens away.
You were nurtured and fed by me.
I can still feel the softness of your hair
As I held you close
Kept you safe
Tried to protect you from yourself.

And yet you turn away.
You worship money, possessions, yourself
You rebel against my love
You will not follow my guidance.
You are determined to turn your back on me.

How can I give you up?
How can I leave you to your sin?
How can I watch as you destroy your lives?
As you hurt each other?
As you forget me?

My heart breaks.

There are times when you deserve my anger
When you have earned the consequences
Of your sin.

But I am your God.
I am not man.
I am the Holy One among you.
I will not come in anger.
I can only come in love.

The time will come when
You will follow me.
You will hear my voice
See my vision.
And you will come to me

Like the birds of the air
That I set into flight.
Like the fish in the ocean
That swim because I taught them how,
You will come to me,
And I will take you in,
Settling you into my arms
Like the child you are.
Kim Matthews

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