Friday, May 17, 2013

Devotional 5-17-13


(Lectionary Readings:  Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-27)

Is anything more disturbing than having to release preconceived notions, beliefs, traditions?  What could be worse than having to admit to ourselves the possibility, however slight it may be, that our attitudes are just not what Jesus had in mind when He asked us to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations?”

Nothing upsets me more than having to move outside my comfort zone when I’m trying to be my most Christ-like!  I’d love to share His love with everyone, except maybe those really weird folks who bought the house around the corner.  And what about them; those folks just look a little shifty, always walking their dogs in our neighborhood, smiling and waving like they’re my friends.  The nerve of some people!  Surely God had others more like me in mind when He asked me to share the Good News of His Kingdom.  I prefer to have my Christianity tucked neatly in my purse, ready to be offered at the appropriate time to the appropriate people.

If any of this sounds familiar, do I have an incredibly fantastic update for you!  We don’t need to pre-screen people before we share the love of Christ with them!  Everyone is eligible!  Everyone is included!  There are no pre-existing conditions; no prerequisites; no references required!  How amazing is that?  Can this possibly be true?  We no longer belong to a world divided?  How could this have happened?  Why did no one tell us sooner?

Just imagine how unnerving this news must have been to those hearing it for the first time?  How unnerving is this news for us to hear today?  Scripture says we live in the midst of “US”---  no longer may we view folks as "THEM."  "Them" is no longer valid.  “Us" is who we are.  All thanks to the gift of the Holy Spirit, given freely to everyone by the grace of God through the love of Jesus Christ.

The Psalmist tells us to gladden our hearts because, “when you send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the ground.” The Apostle Peter tells us to breathe His air when he quotes the prophet Joel in Acts,  "…I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh…Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

What could be better news than this?  Just gladden and breathe!  We don't need to share our message through pushing folks to be like us, screaming at them, or using catch-phrase slogans.  Christ's message can only be heard through actions of love in small ways – every day – for everyone.

Parker Palmer shared a poem by Linder Unders, which expresses one of the best ways to celebrate Pentecost and share God's love:

All this talk of saving souls,
Souls weren't meant to save,
Like Sunday clothes that
give out at the seams.

They're made for wear;
they come with a lifetime guarantee.
Don't save your soul.
 Pour it out like rain
 on cracked, parched earth.
Give your soul away,
or pass it like a candle flame.
Sing it out,
or laugh it up the wind.
Souls were meant for hearing
breaking hearts, for puzzling dreams,
remembering August flowers,
forgetting hurts.
These folk who talk of saving souls!
They have the look of bullies
who blow out candles before you
sing happy birthday,
and want the world to be in alphabetical order.
I will spend my soul,
playing it out like sticky string
into the world
so I can catch every last thing I touch.

Next time someone asks, "Is your soul saved?"
Say, "No, it's spent, spent, spent!"    

Gracious and Loving Father,
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Keep us mindful of our vision, that we may truly be a covenant community, transformed by Your grace, to share the love of Christ with the world.   Amen.
Linda Summers

1 comment:

Anita said...

Reminds me of this quote:
He who does not see God in the next person he meets need look no further.

-Mahatma Gandhi