Friday, September 23, 2016

Devotional 9-23-16

Each week there are several scripture options to help devotional writers. And as I prepare to write my devotion, I always check to see what the week’s scriptures have to say. Well, this week I was startled by the consistency of their themes—so similar I felt moved to use them as a basis for my devotion. But be prepared. They deal with conflict, persecution, suffering, torture, grief…and death. But isn’t it true that we find ourselves in a world just like this? So it’s an appropriate topic related to the scriptures for this week, right? Take a look (they’re all brief but very thought provoking and revealing). Scriptures:

  1. Psalm 79: 1-9
  2. Jeremiah 8:18-9:1
  3. Psalm 4 
  4. 1 Timothy 2:1-7 

Wow. The impact still has me struggling. And yet, it is timely and significant, something I’m sure we all think about daily. We are shocked at the cruelty and inhumane actions of Isis. We are confused about the supposed combined efforts of the United States and Russia to end the war in Syria (how many times now?) knowing the political implications are always there, at the expense of innocent civilians—many who are children, murdered and dying, imprisoned in a place from which they cannot escape.

There is the hatred by some in our own country who have their own terroristic agenda, be it racial, religious or political—yes, political! So much chaos has invaded our lives we don’t know how to handle it, where to turn, or what to do. I have become so discouraged, and fearful of what the future holds for our children and their children. What is happening and why? Can we do anything about it? Here is what I think God would like us to consider:

PRAYER. Well, we will pray—sincerely turn to Him in prayer to share our hopes, our fears, and our concerns for ourselves and for others here and far away who continually suffer.

LISTENING. God has such good advice for us if we just listen. He will guide us with answers, let us know what we should do not only for ourselves, but for others who are far worse off.

TRUSTING. We will trust in God to help us accomplish His will.

HAVING FAITH. We will have faith. A constant and unified effort by ALL Christians everywhere, working in numerous ways to restore world peace, can work—if we work. God will see and He will hear. He will know that, as Christ’s disciples, we are sincere in our desire to initiate the healing process.

SPREADING HOPE. We must not give up.

SPREADING LOVE. It begins with loving one another.

Ambitious? Yes. Time consuming? Yes. An unbelievable and complicated task? Absolutely!

Risky? Of course. Are we naïve? Perhaps, but Possible? With God’s help…all things are possible.

Diane Feaganes

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