Friday, August 18, 2017

Devotional 8-18-17

Scripture text is Genesis 45: 1-15

This scripture tells about Joseph in Egypt after gaining great power and influence with Pharaoh. Famine had reigned in the region for two years. Joseph's brothers had been sent to Egypt by their father, Jacob, in order to try to purchase food for their family, since their region was suffering also. Before this time period, Joseph had forecast the great famine and had prepared the Egyptians . Thus they had great storerooms of food to outlast the drought.

As we can recall, Joseph had arrived in Egypt previously because his brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. They were totally unaware of whom they would encounter.Had they  known, do you think they would have ventured near him in fear of retribution? Joseph held their lives in his hands, to punish as severely as he wished.Let's look at some of the verses and see how the situation was handled.

3.And he said, I am your brother Joseph whom you sold into Egypt. And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me here before you to preserve life.....
He then goes on to tell them that God sent him to Egypt to save Jacob's family.

My gosh, this was the ultimate example of forgiveness. If we had been treated as Joseph had, could we possibly rationalize forgiving these scoundrels? In my case probably not.

As we go about our every day life we encounter so many things which lead us to believe we deserve revenge for these slights.

We must keep in mind what Jesus commands us to do in the Lord's Prayer: forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

If we are unable to forgive those who sin against us, we shouldn't be seeking forgiveness for our own misdeeds.

Heavenly Father, as we go through our daily lives, help us to remember and practice forgiveness as you have commanded.

Scott Ramsey

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