Friday, April 13, 2018

Devotional 4-13-18

Chasing Rainbows

Many years ago my late husband, Keith, and I invited friends to join us at a reception celebrating our wedding. The day had been dull and dreary but as we neared the event the clouds parted and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. We both smiled and declared it to be an omen of many happy years ahead. Indeed it was and our years together were blessed with happiness.

I have on my kitchen counter a Page-A-Day calendar with a new quote for each day. Today's quote reads, "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud today", written by poet Maya Angelou.

What a challenge! Can I meet that challenge today? Can I turn someone's cloud into a rainbow today?  Can you?

Revelation 4:3 and 10:1
Jean Dean

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