Friday, May 25, 2018

Devotional 5-25-18

Bookend Celebrations
Pentecost and Trinity Sunday
Read Acts 2:1-42, John 3:1-17, 14-21, Romans 8:12-17

This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost: the Birth of the Church, the entering of the Holy Spirit into the lives of the Disciples.

Now I have to ask those that were in Worship: was not the Holy Spirit present in the Youth that so energetically and enthusiastically lead the Worship service?  I know I felt, just as the Disciples and John and Charles Wesley felt at a time in their lives, the Holy Spirit entering their hearts and changing their life.  Our Church and our life can be alive, just like this past Sunday as we listen for the Holy Spirit to enter us and to guide us.

This Sunday we Celebrate Trinity Sunday, the mystery of the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is also Peace with Justice Sunday, a celebration of those that work in the world for Peace with Justice and calls us to allow the Holy Spirit guide our lives to work for Peace with Justice every day.

Pray daily for the Holy Spirit to lead you in your life.

Holy Lord, the whole earth is full of your glory! We are in awe of your majesty. In great kindness, you reveal yourself as the One who forgives us. You give us gifts and invite us to go into the world to tell your good news. Help us to respond in faith and go where you lead us each day. We dedicate our gifts so that our community will draw closer to you. Amen. (Isaiah 6:1-8)

Fred Herr

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