Thursday, April 9, 2020

Devotional 4-9-20

Lectionary Readings:  Exodus 12: 1-14; Psalm 116; 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26; John 13: 1-17, 31b-35.

“A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” John 13: 34-35.

 In the passage from John’s gospel, the disciples were gathered with Jesus to celebrate a Passover meal.  This was a traditional meal celebrated according to the directions God gave to Moses and the Israelites on the night the angel of death would pass over to save their children.  They should be “ready to go” as they ate, not really knowing that they would be leaving Egypt the next morning. None of the disciples knew what the next 24 hours would hold for them and for Jesus after this meal either. However, the evening gathering became a continuation of the lessons Jesus was trying to impart to all of his disciples. One of the first lessons of that evening was an act of Agape love.  Jesus showed the disciples that all are called to become servants to show their love as he did when he washed their feet.

The next lesson is found in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.  Paul also described the meal of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus’ life as he wrote to the Corinthians.  We know this meal of remembrance as Holy Communion where the bread of life and the cup of salvation are shared with the community.  Jesus asks us to remember that his body and blood were given as a sacrifice for our sins. What an extravagant, marvelous, matchless gift of love.

The third lesson of that evening was described in the gospel of John as a new commandment: to love one another as He loved us.  Everything Jesus said and did in his entire ministry was to teach us to love one another using his own life as the example.  He showed with his actions how to become the giver of love, the servant who puts others first, the grantor of mercy shown to all who ask—even in the hour of his own death. His grace is radical and overwhelming!  We could never be worthy on our own merits and we will never find this depth of love from any other source.
In this time of crisis and physical separation from one another, we will not be able to participate in the sacrament of holy communion as usual on Holy Thursday.  We cannot physically wash one another’s feet or do any other acts of Agape that require us to touch, hug or gather in close contact.  That does not mean that we are not spreading and sharing love with one another. We can still be the Church!  Start with prayer and meditation to connect with God.  Ask to be filled with a renewed spirit of love, direction and service. Next find some ways to share love that show you are grateful, thankful, faithful, thoughtful or meaningful. Be “full” of love as you proceed.  It could be a simple gift of some wipes in the mailbox for the mailman or sending cards to those in a health care facility like Woodlands. Make loving others a way of life.  Practice tolerance, patience, gentleness, etc., and share the LOVE!! It won’t be easy but Jesus called us to this radical way of loving others by his example!!!

Our church leaders and staff are doing all they can to maintain communication and support.  We are encouraged to check in with neighbors, family members and Sunday school class members, our community elders and friends to share needs and concerns. Even electronic forms of communication help us to stay connected and share hope and humor. Those essential workers who continue to provide care, deliver our food, measure our prescriptions, etc., deserve our thanks and appreciation.  We can be supportive of those in our communities on the front lines with our donations and patronage when allowed. We can spread the love of Jesus so well that all will know that we too are his disciples.  We do not have to be in a building to show to others that We are the Church.  Loving becomes a habit too beautiful to give up!

Oh God, Loving Creator: we thank you for loving us so wondrously. We are astounded and overwhelmed by your grace and mercy.  Help us to surrender to your loving ways daily so that we might be your hands and feet in this chaotic world. AMEN

Chyrl Budd

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