Friday, June 12, 2020

Devotional 6-12-20

Responding to God’s Love
Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7
Psalm 100
Romans 5:1-8
Matthew 9:35-10:23

 What could these four seemingly disjointed passages of scripture possibly have as their common thread?  Is there some connection between God’s appearance to Abraham in the form of three visitors, the Divine who promises a son to Abraham and Sarah; the Psalmist who proclaims, “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth…Worship, sing, know, give thanks, bless His name.” In the Romans passage, Paul addresses the challenges new Christians are facing, their suffering, yet assures them that God is working to do a new thing, even in their difficulties; and in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus visits cities and villages, teaching in the synagogues, sharing the Good News, healing the sick, showing compassion for the poor and downtrodden.  He then sends out the 12 to do the same because “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

In answer to the question first posed, I believe we can see that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit tend to show up at the most unexpected times.  And our response should be one of wonder, hospitality, reverence, appreciation, and asking what we might do to further the goodness of God’s Kingdom, share the Good News - with our actions – not merely our words, and listen with our hearts to those we encounter.

Where might we find Jesus today, amid our current turmoil and strife?  Where, indeed?  I believe He will be found wherever the poor, disenfranchised, cast aside, “least of these” are found.  Look for Him!  Draw hope and courage from Him!  He surely will fill the empty, show compassion to the broken, offer words of encouragement and loving welcome to all who step out in faith to follow His words spoken so long ago, but still resonate today with power, purpose, and steadfast love and understanding. May our journey with Him continue.
Loving God, hold us and steady us to keep us walking with You on the paths You open for us.  Keep us noticing signs of Your Presence, working for good in our fearful, anxious world. Give us patience, persistence, and a willing, loving heart as we respond to those we encounter along our journey with You. In the name of Christ, our LORD, we pray, Amen    
Linda Summers

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