Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 15, 2007 Devotional

Our Fathers Love

A parents love...the overwhelming joy you feel as you hold your child for the first time, the trepidation you feel as you realize all the potential that it is your responsibility to shape. The proud swelling of your heart as you watch your child grow and develop. The gut wrenching fear that clutches your heart when your child is in danger...or maybe just a little late getting home. The heart ache of occasionally watching your child stumble and fall. What we wouldn't do to keep our children safe, to spare them pain. Their pain is harder to bear than our own. We would gladly give our lives to spare theirs. A parents love...all encompassing, unconditional love that frees children to explore their world, and gives them the confidence to spread their wings and eventually fly on their own.

Gods love, like a parents love, but multiplied many times, gives us the freedom to make our own choices. How painful it must be for him to watch us stumble and fall, to watch us make poor choices, to have us cut ourselves off from him. How much joy it must bring when we allow his love to be the "wind beneath our wings." Just as we would give our lives for our children God loved us enough to send his son, a perfect son that he loved, of whom he was "well pleased." He sent him to give his life for us, to be tortured for us, to die a horrible death for us. Amazing love, amazing grace...a heavenly fathers love.

Margaret Williams

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