Thursday, August 13, 2009

Devotional 8-14-09

It is amazing to contemplate the extent to which Jesus is able to meet he needs of everyone in every conceivable situation. Also it is astounding to find the wide diversity of expressions as to the nature of Jesus. He is described in the language of almost any of the many interests of humanity.

TO THE ARTIST: He is the One altogether Lovely.
TO THE ARCHITECT: He is the Chief Corner Stone.
TO THE BAKER: He is the Living Bread.
TO THE BANKER: He is the Hidden Treasure.
TO THE BUILDER: He is the Sure Foundation.
TO THE CARPENTER: He is the Door.
TO THE MEDICAL WORLD: He is the Great Healer.
TO THE EDUCATOR: He is the Teacher.
TO THE ENGINEER: He is the New and Living Way.
TO THE FARMER: He is the Sower and Lord of the Harvest.
TO THE FLORIST; He is the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.
TO THE GEOLOGIST: He is the Rock of Ages.
TO THE JUDGE: He is the Righteous Judge.
TO THE JEWELER: He is the Pearl of Great Price.
TO THE LAWYER: He is the Advocate and Law-giver.
TO THE NEWS MAN: He is the Good Tidings of Great Joy.
TO THE OCULIST: He is the Light of the Eyes.
TO THE PHILANTHROPIST: He is the Unspeakable Gift.
TO THE PREACHER: He is the Word of God.
TO THE SCULPTOR: He is the Living Stone.
TO THE SERVANT: He is the Good Master.
TO THE STATESMAN: He is the Desire of all Nations.
TO THE STUDENT: He is the Incarnate Truth.
TO THE THEOLOGIAN: He is Author and Finisher of our Faith.
TO THE TOILER: He is the Giver of Rest.
TO THE SINNER: He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the World.
TO THE CHRISTIAN: He is Savior and Lord.

What is Jesus Christ to me?

What is He to you?

One has written and we sing:
Jesus is all the world to me;
My life, my joy, my all.
He is my strength from day to day;
Without Him I would fall.

Written by Rev. Samuel B. Cunningham
Pastor at Johnson Memorial UMC as the sixties began

Submitted by Betty Long

As an extra, Anita Farrell shared this memory of Rev. Cunningham: He lived near the park and grew flowers, especially chrysanthemums. It was not unusual to come in on Sunday mornings and find he had placed flowers in every classroom.

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