Thursday, September 3, 2009

Devotional 9-4-09

“There but for the grace of God go I”. I have heard and said that saying all of my life, but I don’t think I ever put the right spin on that saying. It always made me a little uncomfortable. (I was raised a Presbyterian, so I have that predestination thing lurking in my subconscious.) I always thought it wasn’t quite fair that God had spared me from whatever horrible situation that someone else was enduring. Did God save me from being in that position? Did He love me more that that person? Of course not. Was I a better Christian than them? Definitely not! So why did they have to endure this and not me? When I read Psalm 124 I had my epiphany. We all have our trials to endure and find our way through. The grace is not that God has spared us, but that God is there beside us, guiding and sometimes carrying us through. All we have to do is open ourselves up to Him and ask for that help and guidance. There but for the grace of God go I-alone to face the world.

Margaret Williams

1 comment:

Cheryl McClellan said...

Being a person, who by God's Grace, was allowed to share more years on this earth with my loved ones this has so touched my heart today. Thank you for taking the time to write it and share if with me. This devotional always seems to bless my soul.

May God's Grace always shine upon you and enable you to share with others.

Thank you!
Cheryl McClellan
4 year Breast Cancer Survivor