Thursday, June 24, 2010

Devotional 6-25-10

A special person in my life asked me to pray for him. When I asked him what need he had or what I should ask of God, my friend revealed his need for guidance.

I have heard people relate how they let God open doors for them, then they just walk through. To a person seeking guidance this may seem a bit simplistic. In seeking guidance it can be hard to discern God’s will, so for a starting point it may help to find a meaningful bible verse, use it daily, hourly, or as needed. This may not be the one for you; there are many from which you can choose. Here is a verse that might work for you; it has meaning for me, and you can find it in Psalms 27:11.

Teach me Lord, what you want me to do and lead me along a safe path, because I have so many enemies.

Or as you might read this from The Message:

Point me down your highway, God; direct me along a well lighted street; show my enemies whose side you are on.

Talk to God about what you want. Quietly ask for your needs to be filled, whether it be peace, forgiveness, joy, hope. It could be a need that is hard for you to verbalize, or you may not know for what you should ask.

Prayer is a spiritual act of worship. Let me suggest that you might even write out your needs. Writing out your needs may help you. At this point you may suggest that you don’t know how to pray. Let’s don’t go there. You know how to talk, ask questions, give someone directions or a compliment. Tell God out loud or in your heart -- he hears you either way. Then, be quiet, listen and watch. Opportunities may come to you and you wonder why. God may be answering your prayers. As I look back at my life I realize some of the prayer requests that I have had were not answered (I thought); actually the answer was no, but it took me a while to realize that. I also know now that no was the answer that was best for me.

When we follow these open doors, we are following God’s perfect will, and we know the comfort of the Holy Spirit surrounding us. This may lead us to places we never dreamed of going. Of doing things we never thought we would do. It may change our direction completely, change where we live, work; change what we do with our lives. Or it may change nothing. This is not to be feared, but you will find joy in knowing that you are within God’s perfect will, and the joy is God’s gift to us.

Heavenly father, thank you for being there when we call on you to help us. Thanks for your guidance and help us be able to listen and hear what you would have us to hear. Be with us when we have hard things to do, guide us when we are unsure, and strengthen us that we may give you the honor and the glory. Amen

Marilyn Holleron

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