Friday, November 22, 2019

Devotional 11-22-19

Paul’s Warning
II Thessalonians 3: 6-13

As he began working on his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul remembered how well  his previous letter had been received by them. They were on their way to establishing their own church and it was wonderful! They were enthusiastic about what was happening! They were so eager to learn more about this man called Jesus, and to start their church in his name. Paul’s first letter to them was full of information about Jesus and Paul’s personal knowledge of him. There was much to be done to bring in new believers. Paul had given them a lot of encouragement and incentive to work hard. They were growing together through Christ’s love. They understood that Paul expected them to work together and keep busy to be successful.

But Paul had heard some disturbing news from his followers. Many of the Thessalonians were idly wasting their time while others continued working and doing the right thing. He believed it was time to set the record straight. Everyone was to be working! Paul’s followers told him that plain idleness had set in because everyone decided they would just wait for Jesus to arrive.

Paul must have thought long and hard about what he would say in his second letter to the Thessalonians. They must understand that certain things were to happen before Jesus returned. No one knew quite what those things were, or how long that would take, but Paul told them to get back to work! They must not sit idly around doing nothing. He warned that idleness would not be tolerated. He urged them in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down, work hard, and earn their meals. Most important, Paul just wanted them to do what he had asked, and to do it right.

Heavenly Father,
How blessed we are when we work together for the common good. Whatever the goal, we have fun doing it together, sharing the work, using the best of the talents You have given us. And when the work is over and the day is through, we smile. No need to worry, Father! There will be no loafing, no whining, no complaining, no waste of time, for this work, dear Lord, is done for You. Amen

Diane Feaganes

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