Thursday, August 6, 2020

Devotional 8-7-20

Breaking News! You Are Not Alone

Matthew 28:20 And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Philippians 2:4-5 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.
Headlines from the Herald Dispatch, Wednesday, August 5, 2020
  • WV reports 7 new deaths related to coronavirus
  • Local family hit hard by coronavirus after funeral – Over 40 members infected with COVID - 19
  • Purchase of desk shields approved
I have a confession to make. I am afraid. I know that scripture says that we should not be afraid because God is with us, but sometimes I have difficulty remembering that. Even though I know through personal experience that God provides help when life gets rough, I also know that bad things happen, and I can’t control the outcome.

In the middle of the night I lie awake and wonder if my cough is from Covid 19 or only my seasonal allergies at work. I worry that my significant other will get sick, and I won’t be able to see him or hold his hand. And I can’t even imagine not being able to visit my family members in the hospital. Then I worry about the illness, eviction, hunger, and fear of people I don’t even know. It’s all so overwhelming! When daylight appears, I feel better, but I always know that the nightmare will return because my mind knows it could happen. It has been real for too many already.

I’ll bet that you can relate to my fear. I’ll bet that many of you are nodding your heads as you read. You wake up each day hoping that the pandemic and divided nature of our country is all a bad dream. But then you watch the news, read the paper, check your Facebook page, and look at the faces of your children, grandchildren, and friends. You see uncertainty, fear, and anger where there was once a life plan, hope, and joy. I need to find the joy again and share it, but how?

The good thing about writing a devotional is that it makes one face fears and search for solutions. Of course, the cure for all of this negativity and fear is found in the story of Jesus’ life. Jesus didn’t have it easy even though He was the Son of God! What He did have was the assurance that God would be beside Him during His exceptional life, excruciating death, and resurrection into His Kingdom! So how is this a good thing for us?

Each day we awake knowing that no matter what happens to us, Jesus will be right beside us. What I need to remember is that when Jesus said he would be with me always, He didn’t mean after my death, but during every second of my mortal life and my eternal life. Just typing that sentence relieves anxiety. In addition, I need to remember to remind my family and friends. We learn through repetition, and this concept is not repeated enough in our secular world. Finally, I need to help others though their rough times. Maybe I could take a meal to a neighbor – or maybe not. Surely there are things I could do for someone that wouldn’t end in food poisoning! And I believe you could do the same.

I’m feeling better already. Thank you for allowing me to search for a solution to my fear. Now would you join me in a prayer?

Dear Jesus, you made a promise two thousand years ago that I’m asking you to honor today. Please help us to combat the paralyzing fear that envelopes us each day, and help our scientists find a cure or vaccine that will combat the virus that has changed our way of life. Finally let us remember that we truly are in this together and should act accordingly. You taught us how to live. If we do it right, we will live with love, not fear.

Becky Warren

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