Friday, September 18, 2020

Devotional 9-18-20

 Read Matthew 20:1- 16. This is the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

There are several parables that Jesus shares that are illuminating but this is one of my favorites. We all know the story, a landowner hires workers in the morning/then more midmorning/and even more late afternoon. When the day is done- each worker gets paid a denarius whether they worked a full shift or a few hours! Scripture tells us they expected to receive more & were furious when they did not.
In legal circles there is a saying: "There is the law and there is what is right. What is the law may not be right & what is right is not always the law”. Most of us have a sense of fair play and this parable can speak to our sense of what is right.  However, thankfully, God is not like us.  Just like the parable, his grace is offered to us early and often. Many of us are “mature” Christians who have grown up in the church and know the mercy and gentle support faith brings to each of our lives. But there are others who may be early in their spiritual walk and what comfort it is to know whether early or late to the faith ... the gift of grace is for all of us as we await that house not made with hands but eternal to the heavens! May it always be so.
Prayer: Father thank you for the your gift of grace and forgiveness. Help us to nurture those who may be new to the faith as we are unworthy yet you continue to forgive. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Marv Jones

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