Monday, January 28, 2008

Devotional 1-24-08

Our seven grandchildren range in age from twelve to twenty-five. Sometimes it's hard to believe they have grown up so quickly, and we have added that many years to our age since the first one was born. When birthdays and Christmas come around we no longer go shopping for a gift we hope they will like; we take the easy way out and buy gift cards or send cash. They all enjoy that and mostly remember to say thanks, although we have been known to hint to their parents that appreciation is not only appropriate but very necessary.

So it was surprising when I awoke in the middle of the night two weeks after Christmas and, as sometimes happens, my mind found a myriad of thoughts to keep me from going back to sleep, one such thought being which grandchild had remembered to say thanks for the gift we sent and which one had not been heard from. I remembered hearing from the oldest grandchild and the youngest, but what about the others? No word from them, time to prod Mom and Dad.

I believe there's a faith connection in everything we do or think and so my nocturnal ruminations on the grandchildren led me to question my own gratitude to our heavenly Father for all that he has given, and daily gives, to me. My scripture reading later than morning led me to Psalm 136 v.1 "O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever." I began to wonder, do I have to be prodded to thank Him for everything He bestows upon me day by day? How can I express my thanks to Him? Definitely through prayer and praise but what service can I give that shows my love and thanks in a tangible way?

It's like a television program I enjoy called "Crosswords" where the host says to the contestant, "This is a question only you can answer". Indeed, how true. It is a question only each one of us can answer.

The light of God surrounds me,
The love of God enfolds me,
The power of God protects me,
Wherever I am, God is.

O give thanks unto the God of heaven for His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136 v.26

Jean Dean

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