Friday, January 18, 2008

Devotional 1-18-08

"I desire to do thy will, Oh my God." Psalm 40: 8

My faith has always been very personal to me and its hard for me to talk about very personal things. Some people do such a beautiful, natural job of sharing their faith. I wanted to be able to do that-the words just wouldn't come. I felt I was letting God down, letting myself down. So I prayed (and am still praying) for God to use me, to give me the courage, and the faith, and the knowledge that I needed to speak up for Him. I had been writing devotionals for sometime before I realized that maybe this was Gods answer to my prayer-allowing me to share my faith with many without saying a word!

God answers our prayers in ways we do not expect (almost always in my experience!). I had never thought of myself as a writer. Those 500 word essays that were due every Friday for my freshman English class were like a black cloud hanging over my head all week. But, I really enjoyed my first devotional book, and sitting in church the next year when the forms appeared in the bulletin a voice in my head kept saying "You can do this Margaret" and it kept it up until I filled out the form. Gods been helping me write ever since!

First Corinthians 1:1-9 tells us that every Christian has a job to do, a role to take, or a contribution to make and all are important. Be available, and God will use your talents-even some you may not realize you have!

The hymn "Here I Am Lord" asks 'whom shall I send?'. The refrain answers:
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.

Margaret Williams

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