Thursday, June 26, 2008

Devotional 6-27-08


I love to walk in Ritter Park and I especially enjoy the different people who are in the park, walking, jogging, running. There are the mommies pushing strollers and getting their exercise at the same time. The dog owners leading every known breed from golden retrievers to dachsunds. The man who feeds the squirrels as he walks along. With his squirrel entourage followng him it's like a version of the Pied Piper.

The other morning I noticed a young woman talking on her cell phone as she went around the track. She seemed to be having a pleasant conversation with a friend. Personally I walk alone but a lot of walkers like to have a companion to chat with as they walk so I suppose a cell phone conversation could be a good substitute.

The refrain of an old hymn came to my mind. "And He walks with me and He talks with me...". What better time for a conversation with Him, no cell phone necessary. And what better Friend to walk with. "What a Friend we have in Jesus" indeed.

Now I walk with my greatest Friend and am grateful for the time of quietness in a small corner of the beautiful world He has created. What a blessing to find a few minutes each day when I can be more aware of Him. Not everyone has the inclination to walk in the park but somewhere in each busy day a time can be found for quietness in His presence. What a blessing is there just waiting to be claimed.

The LIGHT of God surrounds me
The LOVE of God enfolds me
The POWER of God protects me
The PRESENCE of God watches over me,
Wherever I am God is.

Jean Dean

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not read your devo. until this morning (07-01)and I found it very uplifting. I was reminded once more how we need a sound of silence to hear God speak admist all of the chatter. Thank you and God bless.
Rev. James Lawson
Bellemead UMC