Monday, July 12, 2010

Devotional 7-9-10

Take a moment and read the “The Good Samaritan” parable in Luke 10:25-37. It is probably familiar to many of us, but read it today and ask yourself the question, “Whose sandals fit my feet?” Which character speaks to you – to your life, to your call from God, to your present-day experience? What is God saying to you and your situation through this parable?

Are you the Priest, on his way to Jericho, who passed by an injured man? Don’t judge him too harshly. If he had stopped and touched what was in all likelihood a dead body, he would have been unclean, and unable to perform his duties as a priest. Are you a Levite, headed to Jericho to undoubtedly do the Lord’s work, unable to take the time to help? Are you someone who knows his or her call from God, who is already doing ministry for the Lord, and who can’t afford to be interrupted? Do you ever feel as if you are trying to balance the demands of family, work and church, and don’t feel that you can answer even one more call from God? What is God saying to you in this parable?

Are you the Samaritan, who most likely feels like an outsider? Do you wonder if you even have a role in the work of the church? When someone tells you that God gives everyone gifts, do you imagine that He must have missed you? Do you doubt that you have talents? Or do you walk into the church building and feel as if you do not belong? What is God saying to you in this parable?

Are you the innkeeper? Do you feel as if ministry has been dropped, unexpected and unwanted, on your doorstep? Do you feel surprised by what God is calling you to do? Are you wondering if you even had a choice in the matter? What is God saying to you in this parable?

Are you the lawyer, questioning God? Do you like to know the rules of the game before you start? Are you more comfortable if you know what is expected of you ahead of time, and perhaps would be happiest if you knew God wouldn’t demand everything of you? Are you looking for the loopholes? What is God saying to you in this parable?

Are you the injured person on the side of the road? Do you feel helpless and lost in your pain, wondering if God cares about you? Do you hear the footsteps of those who walk by, ignoring you? What is God saying to you in this parable?

What is God saying to you?

Kim Matthews

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