Thursday, September 23, 2010

Devotional 9-24-10

Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16

There are many people who argue that we are living in the end days. Hate and tragedy seem almost to multiply from one year to the next. When there is so much pain throughout the world, it is sometimes difficult to find a reason to smile. I’m hoping I can help you with that today.

Our daughter Devon is a shining example of the ability to endure and thrive despite adversity. From her twenty week ultrasound through her first six months of life, we went through many potential diagnoses. What began as a fear that she might not survive birth, to assuming she would possibly not see her second birthday, to thinking she would only make it to her adolescent years, turned into a prognosis much like anyone else’s. Devon has been hospitalized more in her three years than many of us have in three or more decades. You might be wondering where the reason to smile comes into the picture. Have you met this child? Through so many challenges, she continues to live with faith in others and joy in her surroundings. This angel spontaneously sings multiple times each day. It is not uncommon for her to hug and kiss a toy when she puts it down, to give it a fond farewell.

Much like others, today’s Psalm is a reminder that the faithful and godly will be saved. Stand without fear in the midst of personal, national, and even global tribulation. Have faith that the Lord’s arms will embrace us when we fall. While we should put forth effort to make a positive difference, we need to remember to hand over our burdens to God and live with joy.

Though it seems there are so many reasons to live in fear or anger, there really are so many more reasons to live with love and happiness. We should all see the world the way that Devon does. I challenge you to find a blessing in everything you see. God’s gifts are absolutely everywhere.

Natalie Wray

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