Thursday, June 16, 2011

Devotional 6-17-11


Brothers and Sisters In Christ Jesus,

Last Sunday we celebrated the birthday of the Church, not our congregation, Johnson Memorial, but the Christian Church. Sunday was Pentecost, the day the Spirit of God came upon the first disciples and the Church was born.

The account of this miraculous birth is in the second chapter of the book of Acts. It is a dramatic story, a story of wind and fire and the gift of understanding. The disciples finally understood their mission in the world and those who were witnesses to the event understood the Good News of God in their own native language. We are a Church, a People, born of God's Spirit, born of the wind and fire of God. The image of wind says that we are the people of God in action, moving, causing things to happen, even moving things around a bit. Wind by definition cannot be still. Still air is not wind. And the fire of Pentecost says that the Church has the power, heat and light of God. The Church of Jesus Christ is empowered by the Holy Spirit to be God's agents, God's witnesses in the world. The Church is to be an energetic, dynamic, and vibrant community of faith. It is the Body of Christ in and for the world.

So, this week read the second chapter of Acts and come to worship on Sunday as the windy, fiery people of God.

Grace and Peace,
Jim Perry

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