Friday, May 23, 2014

Devotional 5-23-14

What Is Your Spiritual Gift?
Recently I have been seeking a greater understanding of one’s spiritual gifts, and determining just what mine may be. Do you know what spiritual gifts you may have?  We all have them.

From the website  I found this:

“Each child of God is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, specially gifted to play a unique and valued role in the body of Christ.  No one is without gift or purpose.  Spiritual gifts are not our talents or skills.  They are the grace of God at work within us, empowering us to match our deep passions with the world’s deep need.  The gifts are given to individuals, but they are given to build and strengthen community and to meet the needs of those around us.”

What this tells me is that every member of our church has a spiritual gift—maybe several. Knowing our individual spiritual strengths and weaknesses helps us to have a better fit for all the opportunities we have to use those gifts, or to choose to work hard on one you enjoy but aren’t quite comfortable with yet.

Did you know spiritual gifts can be found in the epistles to Rome, Ephesus and Corinth? There within Scriptures is listed the gifts of the Spirit, given especially for the up building of the body of Christ: administration…apostleship…compassion…discernment…evangelism…exhortation…faith…
healing…helping…interpretation of tongues…knowledge…leadership…miracles…prophecy…  servant hood…shepherding…teaching… and wisdom.  I have explored these and found them very interesting. ( .

 I have begun my journey in discovering my spiritual gifts. Why not begin your journey, too? It’s good that we talk about our gifts together, , and work together to understand them and know how they can be used.  Try the website above, and look at others which discuss spiritual gifts.  It’s fun with a purpose!  We have been gifted. Let’s use those gifts for God’s purpose.

Heavenly Father, we are aware of your wonderful gift of grace through the Holy Spirit. And as we explore the spiritual gifts also given to us, may we feel your presence and know what you choose to have us do. Then Lord, help us to carry them out for the strengthening of the community in which we live, and for the needy within it. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Diane Feaganes

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