Friday, March 25, 2016

Devotional 3-25-16

Peace Be With You
Before I became a school counselor, I taught literature and composition for several years.  I taught my students how to write themes about literature.  Part of the teaching method was to give them a general statement and have them to apply a universal concept to that statement and develop it in a five paragraph theme.  For example, “Macbeth was ambitious.” The student might develop the paper using the thesis statement, “Ambition can lead to a tragic downfall,” applying it to today’s characters. “A 33 year old man in the small town of Jerusalem was hanged on a cross and buried in a tomb.” This is a general statement but what if we say, “The son of God gave his life for all of mankind and was raised from the dead three days later.” Yes, even though it happened over 2000 years ago, it still applies to us then and now.

Jesus had told of his death several times.  One example is in Mark when says he will be arrested and taken before the chief priests and then be given to the Romans to be killed. He also mentioned his being raised from the dead at other times. His followers loved him but did they really listen to him? Mary Magdalena took spices to the tomb for the body.  Were they really needed?  She thought his body had been stolen. Peter and John arrive, John hesitates, but Peter rushes in to see the empty tomb.  They seem confused.  Even the angels who appear before Mary seem upset at her thinking his body had been taken.

Even on the walk to Emmaus, Jesus’ followers seem confused and are thinking all is lost since their Messiah is dead.  Jesus appears with them and calls them foolish because they did not remember what the prophets wrote in the Scriptures. They finally recognized him and asked him to stay even though at first thought he was a ghost. They finally understood their role in spreading the word. There was a peace in the understanding as they saw him rise into the sky. The prophets’ prediction was complete. This completion was for all of mankind. The son of God had completed his mission for us, and we can say, “Peace Be With You,” because the Christ the Lord has Risen Today!

Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, please let us remember how your son gave his life for us over 2000 years ago so that is seems as though it were yesterday.  It should be part of our present thinking as well as yesterday. His sacrifice for us is our gift from you.
Carol Brown

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