Friday, April 1, 2016

Devotional 4-1-16


A Service of Word and Table: Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were
yet sinners; that proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are
forgiven! In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!
Glory to God. Amen

When my mother began her battle with cancer in the late ‘90s, I had no doubt that she
would beat it. She could be very determined when she set her mind to something.
Unfortunately the breast cancer we thought she had defeated metastasized into a lung
cancer that took her life on Maundy Thursday of 1997. That was an irony that was lost on
me until now.

In her last month, I was with her every day. Those were rough days for Mom because
she was in so much pain and rough for me because I couldn’t save her.Those of you who
have been “the one at home” know that a hard part of being that person is that you are the
bearer of bad tidings to family members who call. Because I was in the nightmare, I
couldn’t see that they were struggling, too. I began to resent those who called.

After the funeral, it fell to my husband and me to settle the estate and sell the family
home.It was quite evident to everyone that I had not become the matriarch, but a martyr.
As time passed, I met others who had been “the one at home”, and I commiserated
with them, but the time came when I was forced to point out the other side. With the help
of my husband and my faith, I realized that I had been the lucky one. I had had the
privilege of sharing my mother’s last days. I also came to the conclusion that maybe my
family didn’t visit often because it was too hard to leave. And they hadn’t helped because
they wouldn’t have been able to do it to my standards. I guess that’s when I forgave them-
if there was anything to forgive.

Mom wasn’t what you’d call a religious person, but I know she expected my family
and me to love and forgive one another. With God’s help and in His time, we have done
just that. I pray that if you’re in a similar position, you’ll find it in your heart to forgive. I
hope it doesn’t take you ten years to do it.

Heavenly Father, You have told us to love and forgive one another, but You never said
it would be easy. Thank You for teaching us. Thank You for believing in us. Thank You
for loving us. In Your name we pray. Amen

Becky Warren

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