Friday, June 30, 2017

Devotional 6-30-17

The Gift of Silence

Habakkuk 2:20  “ The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.”

I have recently been using a book of devotions by Sheila Walsh called “Quiet Time for Your Soul.” As the title suggests, the devotions focus on taking time to slow down, read scripture, and spend time with God. Sometimes that means we need to listen quietly to Him, to hear what he is saying to us during our prayer time. As busy as we all are, we sometimes find it difficult to take the time to be silent and just listen.

She asks, “Am I too often so concerned with being heard that I miss what God is saying? Is He speaking, but I can’t hear Him because I never embrace the silence?

I don’t think I’m the only one. Sometimes it seems our world is afraid of silence. It seems like almost every moment of the day is filled with motion and sound. Even in the middle of the night, our phones buzz and beep.

Does silence still matter in a world addicted to noise? I think it matters more than ever because practicing silence before God clears the way for Him to speak to us.

If you are new to the practice, you might find it challenging at first, but be patient with yourself. Begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Then give yourself permission to put everything aside for just a few minutes—your worries, to-do list, whatever you need to do next—and be silent before God.

If your mind wanders, don’t beat yourself up. Just gently bring your heart and mind back to Jesus. He’s waiting there for you always…with love…with mercy…with forgiveness and grace. Let all the earth be silent before him.”

Dear Lord, help us to be silent. We so often ask You for direction in our lives, and then don’t take the time to listen. Our lives are so much better when we quietly sit to hear what you are telling us. We are grateful, Lord, for the gift of silence. Help us to better appreciate that gift. Amen

Diane Feaganes

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