Saturday, August 25, 2018

Devotional 8-25-18

Please read John 6:35 and 41-51. 

The scene for this scripture is the day after the miraculous feeding of the 5000 and after Jesus and, briefly, Peter, had walked on water. In spite of the fact the disciples had witnessed that miracle they are asking Jesus about the bread.

Jesus replies that “I am the bread of life.” What does Jesus mean by that bold claim. As I reflected on this, I learned some things about bread.

Bread is one of the one of the most basic foods in the world.  It has been an important part of human’s diet for thousands of years. In fact, scholars suggest that humans were baking bread at least 30,000 years ago.

The first breads were probably flatbreads like matzo, pita, naan and tortillas.  Leavening is what makes bread rise into a light and fluffy loaf. The first leavened bread was likely the result of an accident, probably from a neglected bowl of leftover porridge. Some passing yeast in the air made a home in it. When the yeast began eating the sugars present in grain, and produced bubbles that resulted in light, airy, dough.

I found something else interesting; the Arabic word for bread is the same as the word for life. And in English, while we have different words for bread and life, bread is so basic that the term “bread” is often used for food in general.
When we have a meal, we “break bread.”

In our culture, money is nearly as important as bread. What is a slang word for money? Bread!

Bread: our most basic human need. And Jesus said, "I am the bread of life."

Jesus' words, "I am the bread of life," fit into a larger story. Jesus had set a table on a hillside, where bread seemed scarce, and yet bread was abundant.

This miracle of abundance reminded the original audience and us of the manna in the wilderness, where the people were fed when they were wandering in the desert.

Jesus reminds his disciples that in the kingdom of God, bread is for everyone. In the kingdom of God, God is the source of abundance.

In God’s kingdom, there is bread for all.

In God’s kingdom, bread shall no longer be a tool of empire, a product of toil, the reminder of slavery and sin. Bread will be again as it was intended, the life of the world.

Another time, when Jesus taught us to pray, he taught us to pray for our daily bread. In that same prayer, he teaches us to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth, as it is in heaven.

As we live into God’s kingdom in this world, we need to do our part to see that all are fed. There’s more than enough to go around, yet some people don’t have bread. It’s not enough to give them pie in the sky. Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. The kingdom of God is both not yet, and already.

This is the wisdom of God, the miracle of Jesus: that all will be fed, and that that the struggles of a world based on scarcity are passing. The time of abundance is not yet, and already.

Rev. Jeff Taylor

Friday, August 17, 2018

Devotional 8-17-18

...but Jesus said to them, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. --Matthew 19:14

I recently read Kristin Hannah's latest book, The Great Alone.  The central character is a girl whose dysfunctional father and co-dependent mother move to Alaska to "live off the grid" in the 70's. They are totally unprepared for such an adventure and the girl is the "adult" in the family. I knew this was a work of fiction, yet could hardly sleep while reading it, worrying about this poor child. I'm aware enough to know that there are similar children, right under my nose, leading lives of quiet desperation. 

I asked a friend who works with the WV Children's Home Society what is one thing people can do to help children in our communities. She replied," The one thing that keeps coming to my mind is mentor.  We need mentors for these kids, and that can take many different forms, but so many of these kids and their families just need to know there are people out there who care."  Our church has a backpack program which sends weekend food home with needy children at a local elementary school. I believe most every church in town has a similar program. That's a start.

I know both of our local high schools have food pantries, and I believe the middle schools do as well. Perhaps you can help stock the shelves in those pantries. Food, clothing, school supplies, so much need. But the children also need LOVE. That often comes from a teacher, a volunteer, someone willing to reach out.

My friend emphasized reaching out not only to the children, but to their families. This dedicated social worker mentioned helping with exterminations costs (bed bugs on the rise), power bills, etc. 
As this school year is starting, please pray for the teachers, aides, counselors, bus drivers, cooks, janitors, and coaches, who interact with and may be the only positive role models in the lives of our children, and give them a pat on the back and offer them your support.

Anita Gardner Farrell

Dear God,
Grant our teachers an abundance of Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our loved ones, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in return. Give them grace as they help students who aren’t thriving, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak love, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small - yet incredibly important - ways every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with our children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will forever impact generations to come.  Amen. Kaitlyn Bouchillon

Friday, August 10, 2018

Devotional 8-10-18

“Ask for the Best” 

Lectionary Readings:  1Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5: 15-20; & John 6: 51-58

“At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”  Solomon answered:.…So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.”  1 Kings 3: 5, 9.

Wow! What a mighty God! What a fantastic dream!  Despite the information that Solomon’s request took place in a dream, we are told a few verses later that God granted Solomon’s request.  In addition to a wise and discerning heart, God also granted Solomon many riches, honor, and a long life.  The only stipulation required was for Solomon to walk in God’s ways and obey his statutes and commands just as David had done before him.  God wanted the very best for Solomon and he wants the best for us as well.  However, we don’t always ask for God’s best gifts. Are we missing something in our daily prayers and conversations with God???

I realize that Solomon had recently become king and was probably feeling the responsibilities of leadership that I will (thankfully) never experience.  But I think it was an extremely smart move on Solomon’s part to request wisdom/discernment.  He asked for the character trait that would give him what he needed most to become a great leader.  Do we ask God to mold our character so that we might do his bidding more effectively? Have I asked for all that God is willing to bestow?

Solomon was not a perfect man or leader, but he accomplished a great deal during his reign including building the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem.  Also according to Bible scholars, Solomon is credited with many of the wise sayings of the Book of Proverbs.  He lived a long life and was recognized as a wise and compassionate ruler—perhaps wiser than all the other kings of the earth (1 Kings 10: 23).  He accomplished all that he did because he continued to obey God and to worship Him as he had been commanded.

I find myself feeling a little jealous of Solomon. What does he have that I don’t?  I know, I know…you don’t have to list the ways our situations are different.  But what might God grant me if I asked for wisdom or some other character trait that would allow me to be of greater service to others? Have I asked for God’s “Best Gift” for me??   First of all, I know I could at least spend more time in conversation with God.  I need to listen more to the messages God is sending me.  I need to be more intentional and regular about daily prayer time.  And most of all, I need to surrender to God’s will and guidance.  Perhaps God has a new plan for each of us if we would only ask for his “Best Gift” for each of us and for God’s will to be done in our lives.
           “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
 Great God of Wisdom and Might, assist us to pursue a renewed commitment to follow your guidance and direction.  Grant us insight into the ways in which we can serve you more effectively and lovingly.  We thank you for the example of Solomon and all of the teachings and gifts you have provided.  Forgive us when we fail to be obedient and faithful to your will. AMEN.
Chyrl Budd

Friday, August 3, 2018

Devotional 8-3-18

“Got no Rhythm” 

I cannot dance, I cannot sing, and I “Got no rhythm!” At Johnson Memorial, I love when we as a congregation sing the song “Shine, Jesus, Shine” because we clap in unison as we say these words.  It is very inspirational to me but very difficult.  No matter how hard I try, my hand clapping is never in unison.  In other words, my hands are out of tune! I have no rhythm. Therefore, I NEVER actually let my hands touch. I call it the “silent” clap.  I enjoy the music, it makes me happy but I cannot join in the clapping at the appropriate moment in the song.

I said one morning to my daughter, “I am embarrassed because I have no rhythm.”  She acknowledged this by saying, “But you have many other gifts.” She was kind in her comment because the whole family knew that I had no rhythm. That got me to thinking. Many times we feel that we cannot do something because we feel inadequate and do not try.  Surely there is something related to it that we can do. In Romans 12: 3-8 we learn about GIFTS.  We all have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. “If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance to your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”

I have lived a long life and never really thought about talents or gifts.  But, we all have gifts that can be secular or spiritual.  Many of us do not take time to see the relationship, especially me.  I have been a teacher and counselor as a profession because I liked and enjoyed what I did. But over the years I have learned that the desire to help can be spiritual.  Being a friend to someone who seems lost can be a gift from God. I have a dear friend of many years who is dying from Leukemia.  I am called the “fixer” but this I cannot do.  I call her often and we talk about her plight, meeting with Hospice, and similar conversations.  She says it means so much to hear from me and that it helps. She has been able to talk with a minister.  She has one daughter as I do. Maybe this is my gift from God.  Being a Christian has always been a process for me.  I see the gift of teaching in my daughter as she grows in her faith to teach. Her spiritual growth is an inspiration to me.

We all have talents or gifts that we can use and use well.  God gave them to us but we must learn to recognize them.   We may choose poorly at first, but sweet spiritual success can make the difference. It does not matter if we “Have no rhythm,” we have other gifts!

Lord, hear our prayer,
Give us the desire to keep seeking to learn our spiritual gifts from you so that we can share the sweet spiritual success in working with others.
Carol L. Brown