Friday, October 12, 2018

Devotional 10-12-18

God Brings Me Peace!
Job 38: 1-7, 34-41

1And now , finally, God answered Job from the eye of a violent storm.  2He said: "Why do you talk without  knowing what you're talking about?  3 Pull yourself together, Job!  … 4 Where were you when I laid earth's foundation?
34Can you get the attention of the clouds and commission a shower of rain ?  35 Can you take charge of the lightning bolts and have them report to you for orders?"

Job had been questioning God, but God did not think Job's questions were of the issue. So God threw out questions to Job, more of the moral order.

In today's world of news reporting, I question much. I listen, think, feel, believe, and assume, what is true or not. Right now we are  bombarded with political ads, many attacking the opposition. How do I determine what is best for my home, city, state, country, and world?  Do I truly know?   NO!  But God knows! This is why I pray for wisdom, trust, belief, to know the truth, to know what to do, how to vote. I get so sick of what is going on in my/our world today, that most of the time I am physically and emotionally sick.  No standard is higher than God himself to judge.  My only option is to submit to God, to rest in his care, and wisdom in order to give my opinion, vote, and gain peace.

God, I pray for your  guidance and direction for us all and blessings and peace for our earth.  Amen

Kay Lewis

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, Kay, for your meaningful devotion. After reading, study, discussion, and thought, we turn to God to guide us in the decisions we make. Martha Casey