Friday, April 10, 2020

Devotional 4-10-20

No Thanks. I Gave That Up for Lent

 Lent: a time period, by name anyway, that seems to have morphed from the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter to the “how long can you hold your breath” time period of GIVING SOMETHING UP. Based in the solid theology of sacrifice, it has grown legs and walked away. Posts on social media, and talk around the office water cooler bring out the ever-looming Easter question, “What are YOU giving up?” Almost as if comparing lawn mowers or bar-b-que grills, “My suffering is going to be greater than your suffering!” With the hope of actually thinking of suffering and loss when the desired ‘given up’ thing is wanted, we (notice I said WE? Me too) give up things like deep fried, caramel covered, dill pickles or only bingeing on five episodes of a favorite show instead of eight. Blah Blah Blah…

Notwithstanding the fact that Christ GAVE UP his life – the scriptures outlining his ministry and the narrative that follows his ride into Jerusalem…to die, never seem to point at him giving up – anything. Instead the focus seems to be on GIVING. Giving encouragement: “Blessed are the …For they shall…” Giving sustenance: “You give them something to eat.” Giving forgiveness: “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Giving hope: “For today you will be with me in paradise.” Giving security: “Woman, behold your son.”

Two things near and dear to my heart are sweets and coffee. Over the course of the years I have given up both. Did I suffer? Enh…  Did it make me think? Maybe. Did it help ANYBODY else? NOPE!

I think my plan will be to only give up – self and to make everything else about giving. If asked for money on the street > don’t judge – give. If asked to help > don’t complain- give. If spoken to harshly > don’t retaliate – give. Give until it sinks in that THAT is way it is meant to be.

For God so loved the world that he gave…

Steve Matthews

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Steve

Perfect message. Perfect meaning. Thank you. Suzanne