Friday, July 29, 2016

Devotional 7/29/16

One of my favorite devotional books, given to me by a dear friend, is JESUS CALLING: ENJOYING PEACE IN HIS PRESENCE. It’s a beautiful little book of daily devotions written by missionary Sarah Young. Her devotional writing, written as if Jesus himself is speaking, is especially meaningful—a  wonderful way to begin your morning. More often than not, He speaks about just what seems to be happening in my life on any given day. It’s amazing how that happens sometimes! I bet it’s happened to you, too!

In the following devotion taken from the book, Jesus speaks about what He calls the golden cord of hope.

ROMANS 12: 12  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

“HOPE is a golden cord connecting you to heaven. This cord helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are buffeting you. I never leave your side, and I never let go of your hand. But without the cord of hope, your head may slump and your feet may shuffle as you journey uphill with Me. Hope lifts your perspective from your weary feet to the glorious view you can see from the high road. You are reminded that the road we’re traveling together is ultimately a highway to heaven. When you consider this radiant destination, the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead becomes much less significant. I am training you to hold in your heart a dual focus: My continued Presence and the hope of heaven.”

Sarah Young has a degree in philosophy from Wellesley and holds graduate degrees in psychology/ counseling from Tufts, Georgia State, and Covenant Seminary. She and her husband travel widely in their missionary work.

If you’re looking for a meaningful way to strengthen your relationship with Christ, you will find it in this special book of daily devotions.

Diane Feaganes

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